Carney, J.N., Horak, J.M., Pharaoh, T.C., Gibbons, W., Wilson, D., Barclay, W.J., Bevins, R.E., Cope, J.C.W. & Ford, T.D. 2000. Precambrian Rocks of England and Wales. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 20, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 4875. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Dolyhir and Strinds quarries
N.H. Woodcock
The Old Radnor Inlier offers the last westward glimpse of the Precambrian basement to the Midlands Microcraton, before it re-appears near Carmarthen, some hundred kilometres to the south-west (Pharaoh and Gibbons, 1994). Working quarries in the inlier have, for at least the last 100 years, provided fine sections through sedimentary rocks now assigned to the Longmyndian Supergroup, together with their unconformable cover of Silurian limestone and mudstone. This GCR site
Early observers (Murchison, 1854) saw the rocks of the inlier as the conformable lower part of the local Silurian sequence. The recognition by Callaway (1900) of the unconformable relationship of the Silurian on older rocks that resemble the Longmyndian of Shropshire established the true significance of the Old Radnor Inlier.
The Dolyhir and Strinds quarries expose rocks providing an important window into the basement geology of southern Britain, framed by clear stratigraphical relationships with younger overlying Silurian rocks. Further quarrying activity guarantees fresh exposure for scientific work, and a changing transect through complex three-dimensional lithological and structural relationships.
The Old Radnor Inlier lies 5 km north-west of the town of Kington e.g.
Woodcock and Pauley (1989) have divided the supposed Precambrian rocks into two formations. The Strinds Formation occupies most of the outcrop area of the inlier. It is dominated by fine- to medium-grained micaceous sandstone, usually pale greenish grey, but in places purplish or brownish grey. The sandstone is generally massive, and bedding is commonly obscured by brecciation. Where bedding is visible in the Strinds Formation it is steep and NE–SW striking. Horizons containing tabular rip-up clasts of red mudstone occur sporadically. More common are units of clast-supported conglomerate of two compositions. The 'grey conglomerates' of Garwood and Goodyear (1918) comprise well-rounded clasts of vein-quartz with subordinate purple rhyolite and mica-schist. Their 'red conglomerates' contain a high proportion of purple rhyolite and reddened quartzite. Holgate and Hallowes (1941) matched clasts of granite and quartz-porphyry with similar lithologies in the Stanner–Hanter Complex to the east.
The Yat Wood Formation crops out in a NE–SW strip, the observed contacts of which are faults against Strinds Formation rocks (
Geological relationships in the inlier are best exposed in three quarries
Strinds Quarry
The present Dolyhir Quarry
Early published interpretations of the Old Radnor area (Murchison, 1854) considered the oldest rocks of the inlier to be Silurian — in both Murchison's and modern usage — and to underlie conformably the Wenlock-age limestone. Callaway (1900) demonstrated an unconformity beneath the limestone, and a lithological similarity of the older rocks to the better-known Longmyndian of Shropshire. Garwood and Goodyear (1918) supported this correlation, and specifically a match with the sandstone and conglomerate of their 'Bayston Group'.
The subdivision of the Longmyndian within the inlier (Woodcock and Pauley, 1989) has prompted a more detailed correlation with the type area. The predominant Strinds Formation is still correlated with the Bayston–Oakswood Formation of the Wentnor Group, interpreted by Pauley (1986, 1990a,b) as the deposits of a braided alluvial system (see also, the Hawkham Hollow GCR site report). The Yat Wood Formation is more tentatively correlated with parts of the underlying Stretton Group. The filamentous microfossils in the Yat Wood Formation urge a correlation with the Lightspout Formation, interpreted as the deposits of an alluvial floodplain. However, a match with the alluvial facies of the Synalds Formation or with the pro-deltaic facies of the Burway Formation is also considered possible (Woodcock and Pauley, 1989). The sandstones in both the Strinds and Yat Wood formations are rich in lithic fragments, like those of the type Longmyndian, suggesting derivation from an undissected magmatic arc.
The detailed correlations of the Strinds and Yat Wood formations with the type Longmyndian are important in establishing their possible Precambrian age. Local stratigraphical relationships only constrain the age of these formations to before the earliest Wenlock, the age of the Dolyhir Limestone. A smaller inlier of supposed Longmyndian rocks at Pedwardine, 15 km northeast, is associated with Tremadoc rocks, but any
original unconformity between these two units has been replaced by a thrust (Boynton and Holland, 1997). The stratigraphical relationships of the Shropshire Longmyndian are also complex, as discussed in the introduction to this chapter, but it is probable (Pauley, 1990a,b, 1991) that at least one of its fault-detached components — the Willstone Hill Conglomerate — is unconformably overlain by Lower Cambrian strata.
The structural setting of the Old Radnor Longmyndian is also relevant to discussion of its probable age. Mapping by Kirk (1947, 1951, 1952) clarified Garwood and Goodyear's (1918) view of the inlier as a fault-bounded basement block along the Church Stretton Fault System. This is the same setting as that demonstrated by Holgate and Hallowes (1941) for the adjacent Stanner–Hanter Inlier, which contains plutonic rocks yielding an Rb-Sr isochron age of 702 ± 8 Ma (Patchett et al., 1980). Holgate and Hallowes' (1941) identification in the Old Radnor Inlier of derived clasts from the Stanner–Hanter Complex suggests that the local Longmyndian is younger than this age. Woodcock (1988) showed that the internal faults, and by inference the bounding faults, of the Old Radnor Inlier record dominantly strike-slip displacement, mostly of post-Wenlock, probably Acadian, age. A gravity survey by Coster et al. (1997) suggests that the faults that bound the inliers of high density rock, particularly of the Stanner–Hanter ridge, cannot be vertical, but must converge at depth to isolate relatively small masses of Precambrian rock at a high structural level.
The Dolyhir and Strinds quarries provide the most instructive exposures in the Old Radnor Inlier, a lozenge of old rock caught up along the major Church Stretton Fault System. The unconformity with the overlying Wenlock (middle Silurian) rocks is magnificently displayed in former and currently active quarries, showing that the older rocks had been tilted and deformed before the Silurian strata were laid down. The older rocks can be subdivided into two formations, both of which can be matched with rocks of the late Precambrian Longmyndian Supergroup of Shropshire. The Old Radnor Inlier provides a rare view of the old basement rocks of the Welsh Borderland, and is a crucial link between the larger Precambrian outcrops of Shropshire and south-west Wales.