Barclay, W.J., Browne, M.A.E., McMillan, A.A., Pickett, E.A., Stone, P. & Wilby, P.R. 2005. The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 31, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Duffryn Crawnon, Powys
Potential GCR site
W.J. Barclay
Accessible cliff exposures at the head of the Duffryn Crawnon Valley, Powys
The following account is based largely on the work of Lovell (1978a,b). Earlier descriptions were given by Hall et al. (1973) and Taylor and Thomas (1974, 1975). The base of the formation
A thin, channelized small-pebble extraformational conglomerate overlies the basal granular mudstone bed. It has yielded fragments of Holoptychius and c.f. Bothriolepis (Hall et al., 1973). It is succeeded by 18 m of red-brown and purple-grey, tabular beds of planar large- and medium-scale cross-bedded sandstones, with most of the cross-bedding directed to the northwest. These sandstones are pebble-free, with no mudstone interbeds or clasts, and are either non-micaceous or very slightly micaceous. The overlying heterogeneous beds (division 'c') are laterally variable, but can be subdivided into a lowermost part of 9 m consisting mainly of small, fining-upward, fine-grained sandstone–mudstone cycles 0.75 m to 1.75 m thick. The unit bases are slightly erosional or sharp, and parallel lamination is present in a number of beds. Some channelling is seen locally
The Grey Grits Formation is up to 10 m thick and consists predominantly of grey-green, cross-bedded quartzitic sandstones showing SE-directed palaeocurrents. A siderite- and green mudstone-clast conglomerate marks the base of the formation and has yielded fish fragments and the bivalve Sanguinolites. Small channel-fill and scour features characterize the immediately overlying beds and are lined with discoidal quartz pebbles.
The Brownstones Formation is interpreted to be of sheet-flood and braided river origin (Tunbridge, 1981a). It is truncated by a regional unconformity marking basin inversion and erosion during the culmination of the Acadian Orogeny. Although no angular discordance is discernible at Duffryn Crawnon, the unconformity marks a major hiatus in which the Mid-Devonian succession is unrepresented.
The granule-rich mudstone at the base of the Plateau Beds is recognized widely (Hall et al., 1973; Lovell, 1978a,b) and is interpreted by Lovell (1978a) as an alluvial mudflow deposit. Hall et al. (1973) subdivided the Plateau Beds into lower and upper units at the level of the Afon-y-Waen Fish Bed, but Lovell (1978a) concluded that fish-bearing conglomerates such as this are lenticular and not laterally persistent, and probably occur at different levels. The main differentiation of the succession is lithological, with a lower sandstone-dominated unit (division 'b') and an upper heterolithic unit (division 'c').
Some cross-bedded sandstones of division 'b' show NW-directed palaeocurrents, opposite to the regional drainage direction. Lovell (1978a,b) considered that these may represent wind-blown dune sets, either interbedded with unconfined waterlain (?wadi) sands or forming part of a coastal dune sequence. Lovell (1978a) noted, however, that if an aeolian environment is represented, dune formation appears to have been relatively limited. If Lovell's aeolian interpretation is correct, this is the first recorded occurrence of wind-blown sand deposition in the Anglo-Welsh Basin (but see also Portishead GCR site report, this chapter). The more heterogeneous deposits of division 'c' were interpreted as marginal marine sediments, with evidence of supratidal, tidal-flat and possibly subtidal deposition (Allen, 1965b; Lovell, 1978a,b). The fish fragments and brachiopods recovered from here and elsewhere constrain the age of the Plateau Beds to the late Frasnian–Famennian. The Grey Grits were interpreted by Allen (1965b) and Lovell (1978a) as fluvial deposits, although Taylor and Thomas (1975) suggested marginal marine deposition. At least some of the fluvial channels may have been affected by the influx of shallow marine waters (B.EJ. Williams, pers. comm.).
Duffryn Crawnon is the type locality of the Late Devonian Plateau Beds Formation and provides an excellent, complete transect through the entire formation. These strata are unique in the Anglo-Welsh Basin in containing shallow marine deposits and aeolian sandstones, and the site's importance lies in the presence of both of these facies. The site also exposes the lower and upper boundaries of the Plateau Beds, thereby providing evidence on the inter-relationships of the formations present. Fossil fish fragments from the site have provided information on the age of the Plateau Beds, and the sporadic presence of shallow marine fossils adds further importance.