Gordon, J.E. and Sutherland, D.G. GCR Editor: W.A. Wimbledon. 1993. Quaternary of Scotland. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 6. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 48840 X. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Beinn Alligin
J.E. Gordon
The principal interest at Beinn Alligin is a large rockslide which occurred on to the surface of a glacier during the Loch Lomond Stadial. It is the largest and clearest such feature in Britain and illustrates the geomorphological effects of high-magnitude slope failure in a glacial environment.
Beinn Alligin
The rock slope failure debris in Toll a'Mhadaidh Mòr
Beinn Alligin is also notable for fine examples of double lateral moraines and a medial moraine of Loch Lomond Stadial age
Beinn Alligin provides a particularly striking illustration of a major rock slope failure apparently associated with glacier ice, although there are varying interpretations of the resulting deposits.
Sissons (1975a) considered that the debris accumulation in Toll a'Mhadaidh Mor was not simply a landslide deposit, since several aspects of its morphology are quite unlike those of other rockslides in the Highlands, notably its sharply defined lateral margins and long travel distance. Certain of its morphological characteristics, however, are similar to those of rock glaciers elsewhere: plan shape, transverse ridges and closed depressions. Sissons considered that the feature represented reactivation of a small decay ing glacier in the corrie by a rockslide during the Loch Lomond Stadial.
As an alternative explanation, Whalley (1976a) put forward the hypothesis that the feature was simply a rockslide deposit, with only a morphological resemblance to a rock glacier from which any ice had melted (cf. Whalley and Martin, 1992). He argued that its characteristics are typical of many large features of this kind and could relate to either flotation on a cushion of air (Shreve, 1968a, 1968b) or the development of particular flow properties that aid momentum transfer (Hsu, 1975; Eisbacher, 1979; Cruden and Hungr, 1986). In reply, Sissons (1976d) contended that topographic conditions at Beinn Alligin did not favour airborne flow and that the form of the debris tongue differed in certain respects from rockslides that apparently moved in this way. In particular, it lacks the highly distinctive lateral and distal rims and surface fluting typical of many large-scale rock avalanches or flowslide deposits (Shreve, 1966, 1968a, 1968b; Marangunić and Bull, 1968; Reid, 1969; Hsu, 1975; Gordon et al., 1978).
Ballantyne (1987c) accepted that the Beinn Alligin deposit is a glacially transported rockslide or rock avalanche, but noted that it lacked the steep front and high terminal ridges typical of rock glaciers and that the debris thinned down-slope. He therefore suggested that the glacier may have been larger than envisaged by Sissons (1975a) and that a rock glacier in the normal sense may not have formed (i.e. through the deformation of an ice core or interstitial ice within the debris). Accordingly, the Beinn Alligin feature may resemble several modern instances of rockslides or rock avalanches on to glaciers (Marangunić and Bull, 1964; Reid, 1969; Gordon et al., 1978).
Glacially transported rock slope failure deposits have been reported elsewhere in Scotland, for example on Eigg (Peacock, 1975d).and in Gorm Coire, Ben Hee (Haynes, 1977b). None of these, however, rivals the Beinn Alligin feature in terms of size, or clarity of the relationship between source and transported debris. Holmes (1984) has established that the great majority of rock slope failures in the Highlands occur within a short distance of the former limits of Loch Lomond Readvance glaciers, and he suggested that excess pore water pressures developing in oversteepened slopes during deglaciation may have contributed significantly to subseqent slope failure (cf. Whalley, 1974; Whalley et al., 1983).
Elsewhere in Scotland, fossil rock glaciers have been described from Beinn Shiantaidh on Jura (Dawson, 1977) and the Cairngorms (Sissons, 1979f; Ballantyne, 1984; Chattopadhyay, 1984). They are all smaller features, however, and differ in their morphology and inferred mode of formation, as they take the form of protalus lobes (see Wahrhaftig and Cox, 1959; Liestol, 1961; Outcalt and Benedict, 1965; White, 1976; Lindner and Marks, 1985; Martin and Whalley, 1987; Whalley and Martin, 1992) that have apparently developed as a result of deformation of ice within rockfall talus accumulations. The only other features in Britain that may be of similar origin to that at Beinn Alligin are at Moelwyn Mawr in North Wales (Campbell and Bowen, 1989) and Beinn an Lochain in Argyll (Holmes, 1984; Maclean, 1991).
Although good examples of the different types of Loch Lomond Readvance moraine represented at Beinn Alligin occur both individually and in various combinations at other sites in the Highlands, the Beinn Alligin landforms provide a particularly fine assemblage which enhances the overall geomorphological value of the site. Further, the medial moraine in Coire Mhic Nobuil was described by Sissons (1977a) as the 'best individual example' in the area of the northern Highlands that he had mapped.
Beinn Alligin is noted for a large rockslide transported by a glacier. Although it has been interpreted as a fossil rock glacier, the largest such feature in Scotland, several lines of evidence suggest that it comprises a rockslide from the corrie headwall, which accumulated on the surface of a glacier during the intensely cold phase known as the Loch Lomond Stadial (about 11,000–10,000 years ago). The site is important in illustrating the geomorphological impact of high-magnitude slope processes during the stadial, and it also shows the problems of interpreting the origins of fossil landforms from morphological evidence alone. The wider landform assemblage also includes good examples of different types of moraines.