Figures, maps, plates and tables
Only those figures, , plates and tables and that are mentioned in Appendix 1 are listed here.
(Figure 2) Solid geology of the district.
(Figure 7) The 'SPECMAP' oxygen isotope curve for the last glacial–interglacial cycle (after Imbrie et al., 1984) with climato-stratigraphical stages and selected events in north-east Scotland.
(Figure 20) Summary of Cainozoic relief development in central Buchan (after Hall, 1987).
(Figure 22) Distribution of Miocene land surface and major topographical features (after Hall, 1985).
(Figure 33) Quaternary stratigraphy of the central North Sea (from Gatliff et al., 1994).
(Figure 36) Patterns of ice flow deduced by Jamieson (1906). a Deposition of Indigo Till b Deposition of Lower Grey Boulder Clay c Deposition of Dark Blue Boulder Clay and Red Clay Series d Aberdeen Re-advance.
(Figure 37) Patterns of ice flow deduced by Bremner (1943).
(Figure 41) Reconstruction of the maximum extent of the Main Late Devensian–Weichselian ice sheets (28–22 ka BP) showing possible location of former ice streams (modified from Sejrup et al., 2000).
(Figure 42) Tentative reconstructions of former proglacial lakes in north-east Scotland. a Creation of ‘50 m’ Lake Ugie shortly after the maximum of the second major expansion of the Main Late Devensian ice sheet (after 18 ka BP) and following the earlier ponding of the 80 m’ lake. Widespread glacial over-riding of glaciolacustrine deposits occured east of Lake Ugie. b Parting of East Grampian and 'Logie-Buchan' ice with the formation of Lake Ythan. c Diachronous ponding along the Banffshire coast and glaciomarine incursion around St Fergus at about 15 ka BP.
(Figure 43) Devensian–Weichselian events in Britain and south-west Fennoscandia (after Peacock and Merritt, 1997; Sejrup et al., 2000). Norwegian data from Baumann et al. (1995) and Mangerud et al. (1981). D/L amino-acid ratios corrected according to Miller and Mangerud (1985). British data from Baker et al. (1995), Bowen (1989), Gordon et al. (1989), Lawson and Atkinson (1995) and Miller et al. (1987).
(Figure 44) Tentative reconstruction of ice margins at the maximum stage of the second major expansion of the Main Late Devensian ice sheet (after Hall and Bent, 1990 and Sejrup et al., 1987). This stage is correlated with the maximum of the ‘Dimlington Advance’, 18.5–15.1 ka BP (Sejrup et al., 1994).
(Figure 46) Contoured rockhead surface beneath the City of Aberdeen (after Munro, 1986).
(Figure 50) Distribution of the Logie-Buchan Drift Group and related features.
(Figure A1.1) Locations of sites described in Appendix 1.
(Figure A1.2) Location of sites in the vicinity of Teindland (after Hall et al., 1995a). .
(Figure A1.3) Lithostratigraphy at Red Burn (after Hall et al., 1995a). .
(Figure A1.4) The original Teindland pollen site (after Hall et al., 1995a). .
(Figure A1.5) The location of the Boyne Limestone Quarry (after Peacock and Merritt, 2000a).
(Figure A1.6) The glacigenic sequence at locality 1, Boyne Limestone Quarry (after Peacock and Merritt, 2000a).
(Figure A1.7) Map of Castle Hill, Gardenstown (after Peacock and Merritt, 1997).
(Figure A1.8) Lithological log of Section S1 at Castle Hill (after Peacock and Merritt, 1997).
(Figure A1.9) Crossbrae Farm site (after Whittington et al., 1998).
(Figure A1.10) Graphic logs and lithostratigraphy of representative sections at the Howe of Byth sand and gravel quarry (after Hall et al., 1995b).
(Figure A1.11) Generalised lithological sequences at Kirkhill and Leys quarries.
(Figure A1.12) Generalised transect along the lower Philorth valley showing radiocarbon and pollen sites used in the construction of the local Holocene sea level curve (after Smith et al., 1982).
(Figure A1.13) Landforms and deposits in and adjacent to the Ugie catchment. A, Ardglassie; B, Blackhills; BB, Ballus Bridge; G, Greenhill; K, Kirkhill; L, Lumbs; Ly, Leys; O, Oldmill; R, Red Loch; SL, Sinclair Hills; W, Upper Waughtonhill; WD, West Dens channel.
(Figure A1.14) Glaciofluvial deposits and landforms in the vicinity of Auchlee, north of Longside. A-C are localities where fossil tundra polygons are visible on air photos; D-G and I sites mentioned in the text.
(Figure A1.15) Localities at St Fergus (after Peacock, 1999). See (Figure A1.13) for general location of the St Fergus Silt Formation.
(Figure A1.16) Schematic stratigraphical relationships in the Sandford Bay area, based on cliff sections near Sandford Lodge [NK 125 434] and in the Invernettie road diversion [NK 120 447].
(Figure A1.17) The principle outcrops of the Windy Hills Gravel Member of the Buchan Gravels Formation near Fyvie.
(Figure A1.18) Investigations on the Buchan Ridge (after Hall and Jarvis, 1994).
(Figure A1.19) Camp Fauld site (after Whittington et al., 1993).
(Figure A1.20) Schematic logs and correlations in the Ellon area (after Hall and Jarvis, 1995).
(Figure A1.21) Quaternary deposits and landforms of the Kippet Hills area.
(Figure A1.22) Mill of Dyce sand and gravel quarry and the deglaciation of the lower Don valley.
(Figure A1.23) A palaeoenvironmental model of the Strabathie subaqueous esker-delta (after Thomas, 1984).
(Figure A1.24) Iceberg dump and grounding structures at Strabathie (after Thomas, 1984). a–d dump structures; e grounding structure .
(Figure A1.25) Lithostratigraphy at the Nether Daugh site.
(Figure A1.26) Absolute pollen diagram of selected taxa from Rothens (after Aitken, 1991).
(Figure A1.27) Stratigraphical relationships of deposits at the Nigg Bay cliff section in 1977–80 (not to scale and partially schematic).
(Figure A1.28) Loch of Park locality, near Banchory.
(Figure A1.29) Stratigraphy and structure of the Quaternary sediments at Balnakettle.
(Figure A1.30) Location of Knockhill Wood site.
(Figure A1.31) Sketch transect of the Knockhill Wood exposure showing the relationship between the organic and glacigenic sediments.
(Figure A1.32) Graphic log of the organic sequence at Knockhill Wood.
(Figure A1.33) Postulated form of the landslip Knockhill Wood.
(Figure A1.34) Excavations and measured sections at the Burn of Benholm.
(Figure A2.1) Sketch map showing the location of published sand and gravel resource assessment sheets and administrative areas in north-east Scotland.
(Figure A2.2) Composition of workable gravel deposits between Elgin and Aberdeen.
(Figure A2.3) Composition of workable gravel deposits south of Aberdeen.
(Figure A3.1) Houff or Ury area. a Contoured ground conductivity values and location of GPR traverses in the Houff of Ury area b Geological map of the contact between the East Grampian and Mearns drift groups in the Houff of Ury area, based on geological mapping, conductivity surveying and ground resistivity soundings .
(Figure A3.2) Frequency distribution of interpreted resistivity values from the Banchory- Stonehaven sand and gravel resource sheet area (Auton et al., 1988).
(Figure A3.3) Buchan Ridge. a Location of GPR traverses and resistivity soundings on the northern slope of the ‘Buchan Ridge’ at the Moss of Cruden b Interpreted GPR profile (50mHz) along part of line 1 (162–342 m).
(Figure A3.3c) Buchan Ridge. Resistivity model along line 1 ( 200-392 m) and line 2 .
(Map 2) Glacial and glaciofluvial features and the distribution of glacigenic deposits on Sheet 96W Portsoy.
(Map 3) Glacial and glaciofluvial features and the distribution of glacigenic deposits on Sheet 96E Banff.
(Map 4) Glacial and glaciofluvial features and the distribution of glacigenic deposits on Sheet 97 Fraserburgh.
(Map 5) Glacial and glaciofluvial features and the distribution of glacigenic deposits on Sheet 86E Turriff.
(Map 6) Glacial and glaciofluvial features and the distribution of glacigenic deposits on Sheet 87W Ellon.
(Map 7) Glacial and glaciofluvial features and the distribution of glacigenic deposits on Sheet 87E Peterhead.
(Map 8) Glacial and glaciofluvial features and the distribution of glacigenic deposits on Sheet 76E Inverurie.
(Map 9) Glacial and glaciofluvial features and the distribution of glacigenic deposits on Sheet 77 Aberdeen.
(Map 10) Glacial and glaciofluvial features and the distribution of glacigenic deposits on Sheet 66E Banchory.
(Map 11) Glacial and glaciofluvial features and the distribution of glacigenic deposits on Sheet 67 Stonehaven.
(Plate 4a) Buchan Gravels Formation at Windyhills. a Quartz-quartzite gravel of the Windy Hills Gravel Member at its type locality (P104101) .
(Plate 5a) Flint clasts recovered from the base of the Buchan Ridge Gravel Member in a trial pit on the Moss of Cruden [NK 0253 4024]. Little-worn flints such as these were either derived directly from a former cover of Chalk in the area or from a remanié flint deposit. This evidence suggests that the present terrain lies close to the level of the sub-Cenomanian surface. (a P104122, b P104121).
(Plate 5b) Flint clasts recovered from the base of the Buchan Ridge Gravel Member in a trial pit on the Moss of Cruden [NK 0253 4024]. Little-worn flints such as these were either derived directly from a former cover of Chalk in the area or from a remanié flint deposit. This evidence suggests that the present terrain lies close to the level of the sub-Cenomanian surface. (a P104122, b P104121).
(Plate 8c) Till of the Banffshire Coast Drift Group at Oldmill [NK 0245 4407], showing downward transition from weathered to unweathered diamicton. (P104106).
(Plate 15) The Kippet Hills Esker looking northwards from Broom Hill [NK 0332 3058], near Collieston. Meikle Loch occupies a large kettle hole beside the esker, which is capped by red clayey diamicton typical of the Logie-Buchan Drift Group. The esker merges northwards into an outwash fan at Knapsleask (D2791).
(Plate 17b) Glacial rafts. b Attenuated, fractured and sheared lenses of sand within the Whitehills Glacigenic Formation at the Boyne Limestone Quarry (P104124).
(Plate 22) Southern face of Kirkhill Quarry [NK 011 528] in 1979 (P528224). The sands and gravels resting on bedrock belong to the Pitscow Sand and Gravel Formation. The conspicuous pale band at their surface is the podzolic Kirkhill Palaeosol Bed. Periglacial sediments of the Swineden Sand Bed and the Camphill Gelifluctate Bed succeed this. The base of the Rottenhill Till Formation is at shoulder level with the figure. It is weathered towards the top (Fernieslack Palaeosol Bed) and is overlain by the pale coloured Corsend Gelifuctate Bed. The overlying Hythie Till Formation has a sharp erosional base. Note, the deformation structure affecting sediments beneath the till (above and to the left of the figure). Approximately 8 m of sediments are exposed.
(Plate 23) Partially glacitectonised, podzolic Teindland Palaeosol Bed below sandy diamicton of the Woodside Diamicton Formation at Teindland quarry [NJ 297 570]. Luminescence dates of 79 ± 6 ka and 67 ± 5 ka have recently been obtained from the sands overlying the palaeosol bed to the left of the scale card. (P104118). Scale bar showing 1 cm intervals.
(Plate 24) Attenuated rafts of sand and brecciated dark grey pebbly clay within the Whitehills Glacigenic Formation at Oldmill pit [NK 0243 4389]. Greyish brown diamicton of the Banffshire Coast Drift Group caps the section above a metre-thick unit of grey, sheared sandy diamicton (a penetrative glacitectonite). The ice that overrode the sequence flowed towards the left (east-south-east) (P104119).
(Plate 26) Glacitectonised sequence at Balnakettle, north-east of Fettercairn. Till and gravel of the Mearns Drift Group are tectonically intercalated with older (pre- Late Devensian) head gravel composed of angular clasts derived from local Dalradian pelitic and semipelitic bedrock. The top of the tectonised sequence is truncated by a till of the East Grampians Drift Group, formed during a local re-advance (P100707).
(Plate 27) Sheared lens of the Burn of Benholm Peat Bed within olive grey shelly clay and diamicton (Benholm Clay Formation) in trial pit BBP4, at the Burn of Benholm site north of Johnshaven (Appendix A, 26). The shelly deposits are overlain by red-brown diamicton of the Mill of Forest Till Formation (D4879).
(Table 1) Summary of events preserved in the marine and onshore records in and around north-east Scotland (after Holmes, 1977).
(Table 7) Correlation of lithostratigraphical units in north-east Scotland.
(Table 8) Radiocarbon dates from Late-glacial sites in the district.
(Table 9) Geological surveyors.
(Table 10) Survey history of geological maps.
(Table 11) Number of boreholes on each geological sheet.
(Table A1.1) Sites described in Appendix 1.
(Table A1.2) Lithostratigraphy of the Teindland area.
(Table A1.3) The lithostratigraphy at Castle Hill, Gardenstown.
(Table A1.4) Mollusca from shelly deposits of the Whitehills Glacigenic Formation.
(Table A1.5) Lithostratigraphy at the Howe of Byth.
(Table A1.6) Lithostratigraphical units at Kirkhill and Leys Quarries.
(Table A1.7) Radiocarbon dates from sites in the Philorth valley (after Smit.
(Table A1.8) Lithostratigraphy at Camp Fauld.
(Table A1.9) Lithostratigraphy in the vicinity of Ellon, Leask and Slains.
(Table A1.10) Lithofacies associations at Mill of Dyce Pit.
(Table A1.11) Sedimentary facies at Strabathie (after Thomas,1984).
(Table A1.12) Pollen count from the Nether Daugh Pits.
(Table A1.13) Coleoptera from Nether Daugh (Pit 2).
(Table A1.14) Lithostratigraphy at Nigg Bay and in the vicinity of Aberdeen.
(Table A1.15) Stratigraphy of the Knockhill Wood site.
(Table A1.16) Outline pollen count from Knockhill Wood.
(Table A1.17) Lithostratigraphy in the vicinity of the Burn of Benholm.
(Table A2.1) Sand and gravel resource assessment surveys in north-east Scotland: primary data sources.
(Table A2.2) Summary results of mechanical and physical testing of naturally occurring gravels from north-east Scotland.
(Front cover) Cover photograph: Crovie Village (D6116). Sandstones and conglomerates of the Lower Devonian Crovie Group crop out on the foreshore and are down-faulted against Dalradian rocks of the Macduff Slate Formation that form the headland at the far end of the village. The landslip scar beyond the red telephone box exposes fine-grained deposits of the Kirk Burn Silt Formation of the Banffshire Coast Drift Group.