Scrutton, C. (Ed.) 1995. Northumbrian Rocks and Landscape. A Field Guide. 216 pp. Maryport: Ellenbank Press for the Yorkshire Geological Society. ISBN 1873551 118.
15 Carboniferous of the Wear Valley and Derwent Gorge, County Durham
Tony Johnson University of Durham
To examine Carboniferous (Dinantian, Namurian and Westphalian) rocks at four localities in central and northern County Durham. The spectacular gorges of the River Wear at Durham City and the River Derwent at Muggleswick are important geomorphological features.
Localities 1 (Westgate), 2 (Frosterley) and 4 (Durham City) can be reached by public transport, but Locality 3 (Derwent Gorge) is best visited by car. Parking places are available at all localities. With transport, Localities 1, 2 and 3 can be visited in one day; Locality 4 will require an extra half day. Walking distance depends on the routes taken, but is not more than 4.5 km at Locality 1, 2 km at Locality 2, 4.5 km at Locality 3 and 1.5 km at Locality 4.
Prior permission for access to Harehope Quarry (Locality 2) should be obtained from Mr R. J. Huddleston, Tilcon Ltd, P.O. Box 5, Fell Bank, Birtley, Chester-le-Street, Durham, DH3 2ST, and for access to the Derwent Gorge (Locality 3A) from English Nature (Tel: 01661 845500).
O.S. 1:50 000 Sheets 87 Hexham & Haltwistle, 88 Tyneside & Durham, 92 Barnard Castle; B.G.S. 1:50 000 Sheets 20 Newcastle upon Tyne, 25 Alston, 26 Wolsingham; B.G.S. 1:63 360 Sheet 27 Durham.
Geological background
The Carboniferous rocks of County Durham dip eastwards off the northern Pennines so that the Lower Carboniferous (Dinantian) crops out in the west followed by successively higher Namurian and Westphalian (Coal Measures) strata towards the east. Permian sediments overlie the Coal Measures in east Durham. Bedrock is masked by thick glacial drift in the eastern part of the county and natural exposures of the Coal Measures are relatively few and incomplete. Further west, the Namurian sequence forms the tops of the fells in west Durham and here almost continuous blanket bog limits the exposures of bedrock. The Dinantian crops out in the valleys of the Pennines where it can be seen in river and stream sections. Thick and continuous Dinantian limestone successions in southern England and the Midlands change northwards into sequences of limestone, shale and sandstone in northern England as the Carboniferous shoreline is approached. The most northerly of the thick Asbian limestones, the Melmerby Scar Limestone, becomes divided by elastic sediment and looses its identity in Durham. Clastic sediment increases in the overlying Brigantian where cyclic deposition of limestone, shale and sandstone is repeated ten times. This Yoredale facies is remarkably persistent over northern England from the Scottish Border southwards to the Craven faults. The sequence is controlled to an extent by the position of the Carboniferous shoreline. Marine limestones and shales increase in thickness seawards towards the south and west and thin and die out towards the shore to the north and east. Similarly, the deltaic and subaerial sandstones and coal seams thicken landwards and thin seawards. Durham lies almost midway across the broad area in which open sea and shoreline environments alternated and well developed cyclothems of marine and deltaic sediment are developed. A section of Yoredale cycles in Middlehope Burn is described at Locality 1.
The Great Limestone (22 m) is the thickest limestone in the Yoredale succession. It contains fossil biostromes including the Frosterley Marble, a band rich in solitary rugose corals (Locality 2). Index fossils collected from above and below the limestone indicate that the base lies near to the Dinantian/Namurian boundary. The Great Limestone cycle continues the Yoredale facies into the Namurian, but above this the limestone bands become thinner in a dominantly shale and sandstone succession. Towards the top of the Namurian thick, coarse-grained sandstones are widely developed. The upper part of the Namurian including the First and Second Grits can be seen at Locality 3.
In Durham the base of the Westphalian is believed to be at the level of the Quarterburn Marine Band. The upper Namurian coarse-grained sandstone facies continues into the Westphalian and rapidly gives way to a delta-top sequence of sandstone and shale with coal seams. These deposits, formed mainly in lakes and interdistributary bays, contain twenty major exploitable coal seams that formed the celebrated Northumberland and Durham coalfield. A Westphalian B succession can be seen at Locality 4.
Excursion details
Locality 1, Middlehope Burn, Westgate, Upper Weardale
The area is a botanical S.S.S.I. with access by footpath, but the land is private. Upper Weardale is reached by the A689 from Crook in the east or from Alston in the west. Buses (Weardale Motor Services) travel up the dale from Crook and Bishop Auckland.
At Westgate park in the lay-by on the north side of the road just west of the centre of the village
The Five Yard Limestone crops out above this sequence and forms a wide series of exposures in the bed of the stream
From Slitt Mine a path leads eastwards up the valley side past Slitt Pasture opencut to the Westgate–Rookhope road at West Rigg opencut
Continuing up Middlehope Burn, the Nattrass Gill Hazle sandstone at the top of the Three Yard Cyclothem is well exposed above the path and shortly up stream the Four Fathom Limestone can be seen above the sandstone. The limestone crops out at path level a little further on. Extensive old buildings beyond this are all that remains of a waterwheel crushing mill and washing floors of Middlehope Shield Mine. Old dams and lagoons are still visible. White's Level, on the east of the stream at the top of the washing floors, is one of the mine entrances. Another entrance is Middlehope Level further up stream at
Take the track east from Middlehope Level and turn right after a short distance on to a farm track that leads to the road at West Rigg opencut on Slitt Vein
Locality 2, Harehope Quarry and Bollihope Burn, near Frosterley, Weardale
Access by footpaths only across private land. Travel by the A689 to Frosterley and park at the turning south, 700 m east of the village centre
Proceed up the track to a quarry spoil tip at the crest of the slope and turn left on a footpath that leads to Wise Eel Bridge over Bollihope Burn
Locality 3, the Derwent Gorge, Muggleswick to Shotley Bridge
From Frosterley travel east to Wolsingham, turn left on the A68 at
Locality 3A, The Derwent Gorge and associated Muggleswick Woods
The Derwent Gorge and associated Muggleswick Woods, containing areas of ancient oak-birch-ash woodland, form an extensive National Nature Reserve run by English Nature. Prior permission for access is required (see Logistics). The River Derwent forms incised meanders east of Muggleswick with steep or precipitous sides deeply cut into the upper Namurian bedrock. Much of the gorge is heavily forested, but there is access by a footpath that crosses the river at Lead Mill Bridge
Locality 3B, Allensford, a County Geological Site
Allensford, a County Geological Site; access by footpath only. Return to the A68 and proceed to Allensford. Take the Consett road just south of Allensford bridge and after a short distance turn left into the picnic area car park
Locality 3C, Shotley Bridge, County Geological Site
Shotley Bridge, County Geological Site; access by footpaths. From Allensford car park, turn left along the minor road to Consett. Turn left at the junction with the A691, continue to the bottom of the hill and turn sharply left into Shotley Grove Road
Although only two coarse-grained sandstone bands are distinguished at the top of the Namurian in the Derwent valley, elsewhere in County Durham three or even four grit bands are present in this part of the succession.
Locality 4, the River Wear Gorge at Durham City
River Wear Gorge at Durham City; Coal Measures, Westphalian B (Johnson & Richardson, 1990). Access is by path through woodland owned mainly by the Dean and Chapter of Durham and Durham University. There are car parks near Durham city centre, but during the university vacations it is convenient to park in Quarry Heads Lane on the south side of the river [NZ 27304 154]
At Prebends' Bridge, the brown Maudlin Sandstone with conspicuous cross-bedding is seen in the track side leading to the bridge with the Maudlin Coal below the overhang at the base of the sandstone. A blocked adit entrance above the sandstone exposure is a drainage level from another early 19th century colliery. Slightly north, the Prebends' Bridge Fault, downthrowing 15 m south, crosses the gorge
On the right bank of the river, ancient quarrying for sandstone has been extensive from Framwellgate Bridge almost continuously to Elvet Bridge and these old workings are now deeply buried in spoil and rubbish