(Figure 1) Pre-Quaternary geological map of Northumbria and adjoining areas showing the location of excursions.
(Figure 2) Geological column, and sequence of environments and events in Northumbria. Epochs/Series are shown as of equal length within Period/Systems for convenience only.
(Figure 3) Palaeogeographic maps indicating: (a) the distribution of continental plates in the mid Silurian (based on Scotese & McKerrow 1990 and other sources) and (b–f) the distribution of land and major sedimentary environments at various times in Northumbria and surrounding areas (based on Cope, et al. 1992 and other sources).
(Figure 1.1) Generalized geological map of the Pease Bay–Siccar Point area.
(Figure 1.2) Siccar Point: 'Hutton's Unconformity'. Near vertical Silurian greywackes unconformably overlain by gently dipping Upper Old Red Sandstone breccia and sandstone. Photo: C. T. Scrutton.
(Figure 1.3) Measured sections of the (A) Upper Old Red Sandstone and (B) Lower Carboniferous Cementstones at the northern end of Pease Bay.
(Figure 1.4) Rippled lacustrine siltstones overlain by cementstone breccia (Eastern Hole Conglomerate) within the Eastern Hole Beds at the base of the Tyninghame Formation, Pease Bay. Photo: B. R. Turner.
(Figure 2.1) Geological map of the Eyemouth–Burnmouth area indicating the localities described.
(Figure 2.2) Downward facing Silurian greywackes of the Hawick Group at Agate Point, Eyemouth (Locality 3). Photo: C. T. Scrutton.
(Figure 2.3) Generalized geological map and sections of the foreshore exposures of the Cementstone and Fell Sandstone Groups at Burnmouth.
(Figure 2.4) View north of Maidenstone Stack, c.15 m high, composed of near vertical Fell Sandstone. The erosive contact with the underlying Cementstone Group is at the stack foot on the left. Photo: B. R. Turner.
(Figure 3.1) Geological map and section of the Meadow Haven–Green's Haven area, Berwick-upon-Tweed.
(Figure 3.2) Ladies Skerrs dome (Locality 4) from the clifftop at Berwick (Locality 1). Photo: C. T. Scrutton.
(Figure 3.3) Geological map and section of the Spittal–Cocklawburn Beach coastal section. S.C.G. = Scremerston Coal Group; L.L.G, M.L.G., U.L.G. = Lower, Middle and Upper Limestone groups respectively. Inset map of the Berwick-upon-Tweed area.
(Figure 3.4) West-facing overfold in the Eelwell Limestone, Saltpan Rocks (Locality 7). Photo: C. T. Scrutton.
(Figure 4.1) Harthope Burn. Geological lines from B.G.S. Sheet 5 The Cheviot and Jhingran (1943).
(Figure 4.2) Upper Coquet Dale, around Blindburn. Geological lines from B.G.S. Sheet 5 The Cheviot.
(Figure 4.3) Upper Coquet Dale, near Alwinton. Geological lines from B.G.S. Sheet 5 The Cheviot.
(Figure 5.1) General geological map of the Gilsland–Bewcastle area showing localities described in the text.
(Figure 5.2) Geological map and section exposed in Ashy Cleugh (based on Day 1970, figs. 8(8), g).
(Figure 5.3) Geological map and section exposed in Birky Cleugh (based on Day 1970, figs. 13(6), 15).
(Figure 6.1) (a) Map of Holy Island (Lindisfarne) showing localities described in the text. Inset maps of (b) access roads in the Holy Island/Bamburgh area, and (c) of the Holy Island dyke echelon segments.
(Figure 6.2) (a) Section of top of dyke on St Cuthbert's Island (Locality 2). (b) Profile of southern wall of the Heugh Hill dyke segment (Locality 3).
(Figure 6.3) Bench on the Cockle Stone segment of the Holy Island Dyke, with Lindisfarne Castle on the Castle Hill segment in the background. Photo: C. T. Scrutton.
(Figure 6.4) Cliff on northwest side of Nessend (Locality 8) showing sequence below capping of Sandbanks Limestone (with nesting birds). Photo: J. R. Senior.
(Figure 6.5) Map of localities in the Bamburgh area.
(Figure 7.1) Geological map of the Howick area showing localities mentioned in the text.
(Figure 7.2) Stratigraphy of the mid-Carboniferous of the Howick area, Northumberland, with a detailed log of the Upper Limestone Group sediments in the southern part of Howick Bay.
(Figure 7.3) The northern end of the major channel within the Howick Limestone cycle. Locality 8, southern part of Howick Bay. Photo: M. E. Tucker.
(Figure 7.4) Two channel sandstones (bases outlined) showing lateral accretion from right to left. The level of the amphibian footprints (arrow) is overlain by a thin coal seam. Locality 9, southwest corner of Howick Bay. Nesting fulmars near cliff top provide scale. Photo: M. E. Tucker.
(Figure 8.1) Generalized geological map and stratigraphic sections of the coastal area between Tynemouth and to Lr' Seaton Sluice showing localities mentioned in the text.
(Figure 8.2) Westphalian B Coal Measures stratigraphy between Tynemouth and Seaton Sluice. The arrows '..-'2, indicate the flow direction of currents responsible for the deposition of each major sandbody.
(Figure 8.3) The Tynemouth Dyke (Locality 1). Photo: C. T. Scrutton.
(Figure 8.4) Lenticular bed geometries in the Table Rocks Sandstone (Locality 3). Photo: B.R. Turner.
(Figure 9.1) Generalized geological map of northeast Northumberland showing excursion localities.
(Figure 9.2) Tracing from photograph of Bowden Doors Crag showing lithofacies and location of some of the mass-flow emplaced channels numbered 1-9.
(Figure 9.3) Mass-flow emplaced, steep-sided, sand-filled channel in the Fell Sandstone at Bowden Doors. Photo: B. R. Turner.
(Figure 9.4) Clast to matrix supported, massive alluvial fan conglomerate, Roddam Dene. Photo: B. R. Turner.
(Figure 9.5) Gorge cut by the River Coquet in the Cementstone Group (Lower Carboniferous) below Barrow Scar (Locality 3). Photo: C. T. Scrutton.
(Figure 10.1) Map of the region around Barrasford Quarry.
(Figure 10.2) Diagrammatic sketch of Gunnerton Crag (Locality 6).
(Figure 10.3) Location map of the North Tyne–Saughtree area.
(Figure 10.4) The geology of the Lewis Burn Section (Locality 9).
(Figure 11.1) Geological and archaeological maps of the Roman Wall country.
(Figure 11.2) The Whin Sill crag at Steel Rigg, with the Roman Wall at its crest and Crag Lough at its foot in the distance (Locality 2). Photo: C. T. Scrutton.
(Figure 11.3) Geological map of Haltwhistle Burn.
(Figure 12.1) Excursion route and glacial features of South Tynedale, and East and West Allendales.
(Figure 12.2) Dimlington Stadial flow lines in the excursion area.
(Figure 12.3) Garrigill terraces (after Aspinall, et al. 1986).
(Figure 13.1) Permian strata in the excursion area, with the evaporites restored to their original position. Slightly modified from Smith (1994).
(Figure 13.2) Distribution of Permian strata in the excursion area, showing the approximate positions of localities 1–7. Slightly modified from Smith (in Johnson, in press).
(Figure 13.3) Permian strata in the excursion area, showing the approximate stratigraphical positions of localities 1–7. The Hartlepool Anhydrite would not normally be present close to the coast but is included for completeness.
(Figure 13.4) Strata exposed at Trow Point.
(Figure 13.5) Strata exposed in the cliffs north of Seaham Harbour.
(Figure 14.1) Map of the Weardale–Nenthead area showing localities mentioned in the text.
(Figure 14.2) Restored overshot wheel, Killhope Lead Mining Centre, Weardale. Photo: P. Nixon.
(Figure 15.1) (a) Carboniferous succession, and inset geological map for mid Durham, showing sections described at localities 1–4. (b) Geology of Middlehope Burn, Westgate (Locality 1).
(Figure 15.2) Geological map of the River Wear Gorge, Durham City. Details of boreholes are given in Johnson and Richardson (1990).
(Figure 16.1) (a) Geological map and localities in Hudeshope Beck, Middleton-in-Teesdale. (b) Geology of Bowlees Quarry and picnic area.
(Figure 16.2) Geological map of upper Teesdale around High Force. Inset showing localities described in text.
(Figure 16.3) High Force (Locality 11). WS = Whin Sill; S = metamorphosed sandstone; TBL = Tyne Bottom Limestone. Photo: J. Senior.
(Figure 16.4) The Whin Sill forming Howick Scars, looking east (Locality 15). Photo: J. Senior.
(Figure 17.1) Geological map of southern County Durham showing the localities described in the text (after Mills & Hull 1976).
(Figure 17.2) Geological cross-section of the northern limb of the Middleton Tyas anticline. Line of section on (Figure 17.1).
(Figure 17.3) Succession of Carboniferous Limestone cyclothems between Barnard Castle and Piercebridge, indicating sections exposed at each locality.
(Figure 18) Location of museums of geological interest in Northumbria.
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