Lawrence, D. J. D. 1990. Limestone Landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. British Geological Survey open report OR/09/007.

1 Introduction

1.1 Aim

The principal aim of this study is to identify areas and means by which geodiversity can contribute to the vision of the Limestone Landscape Partnership: "Working together in a landscape-scale Partnership to make a positive difference to quality of life and to the unique natural environment of the Magnesian Limestone area".

The Limestone Landscapes Partnership


  • A1 Champion and co-ordinate informed, participative and integrated action on the environment across a broad range of sectors.
  • A2 Deliver environment-led actions that achieve social and economic benefits.
  • A3 Work with communities connected to the natural area to help shape a landscape that reflects their need


  • O1. Conserve and enhance the unique biodiversity, geo-diversity, landscape, heritage and cultural assets of the partnership area and strengthen and develop local character and distinctiveness.
  • O2. Improve access to countryside and natural green-space, and opportunities for healthy 'green exercise' that will improve mental, physical and social well-being.
  • O3. Raise awareness of the environment of the partnership area as an educational resource and a source of local pride, creating stronger links between urban and rural areas.
  • O4. Empower local people to participate in activities and decision-making on the environment. O5. Improve, promote and use the environment as a stimulus for economic regeneration and sustainable growth.
  • O6. Support and promote activities that help to mitigate, or adapt to, the impacts of climate change.
  • O7. Support and complement the work of partners through linking and securing resources and expertise

1.2 Scope of the study

  • Geodiversity audit of main geological formations and features through desk top study of existing information
  • Through existing data and field work: identification of a network of representative sites which encapsulate the essential features of the Durham Magnesian Limestone JCA's geology. To include or be additional to SSSIs and/or existing Local Sites
  • Identification of interpretation opportunities and issues, particularly those that make links between geodiversity, landscape character, biodiversity and economic and cultural history.
  • Prioritisation of sites according to interpretation, linkage and community use criteria
  • A condition assessment of each site and management proposals.
  • Suggestions for Action Points to be taken forward.
  • Prepare a fully attributed digital file of sites compatible with ESRI GIS system.
  • Photographs of key formations and features, and representative sites.

1.3 Area of study

The Limestone Landscapes area broadly follows the boundaries of the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau (see (Figure 1)) ( This covers just over 44,000 ha of south-east Tyne & Wear and East Durham and Hartlepool and is described by the Durham Magnesian limestone Natural area profile (
