Lawrence, D. J. D. 1990. Limestone Landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. British Geological Survey open report OR/09/007.
Limestone landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau — contents
by D J D Lawrence. Editor A H Cooper
British Geological Survey. Geology and Landscape England Programme Open Report OR/09/007
1.1 Aim
1.2 Scope of the study
1.3 Area of study
2.1 Composition
2.2 Age
2.3 Naming and Division
3.1 Evolution of the rocks and landscape
3.2 Yellow Sands Formation
3.3 Marl Slate Formation
3.4 Raisby Formation (Formerly Lower Magnesian Limestone)
3.5 Ford Formation (Formerly Middle Magnesian Limestone)
3.6 Roker Dolomite Formation
3.7 Seaham Residue
3.8 Seaham Formation
3.9 Rotten Marl
3.10 Quaternary deposits
4 The geodiversity of the Limestone Landscapes area
4.1 Major features of geodiversity importance within the area
4.2 Threats to geodiversity
4.3 Enhancement of sites
5.1 Existing designated sites
5.2 Selection of sites for Limestone Landscapes
6 Opportunities for interpretation, involvement and enhancement
6.1 Working with organisations and communities
6.2 Suggestions for major themes that could be developed and/or interpreted
7 Recommendations for geodiversity action plan
Brief descriptions of principal geodiversity sites
Fulwell & Carley Hill quarries
Tunstall Hills and Ryhope Cutting
Hepplewhites (Cold Knuckles) Quarry
Lizard Point and Marsden Limekiln
Appendix 1 Major sources of information consulted
Appendix 2 GCR, SSSI and County Geology Sites within the area