Lawrence, D. J. D. 1990. Limestone Landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. British Geological Survey open report OR/09/007.

Marsden Old Quarry [NT 39500 64500]

Disused quarry

Managed by South Tyneside Council

Good exposures of Concretionary Limestone and good links to biodiversity. Exposures are not as dramatic as Fulwell Quarry.

Proposed action Clean faces where necessary and remove rubbish. See interpretive plan for the quarry prepared by B Young for South Tyneside Council

Existing designations STLS MAGical LNR

Existing on site interpretation Interpretation board including illustration of the Permian sea

Major geodiversity interest Abandoned quarry faces display the Concretionary Limestone with some good features.

Biodiversity interest The abandoned quarry faces together with areas of limestone-rich quarry spoil offer fine habitats for the colonisation of a wide range of plant species unique to, or commonly closely associated with, the Magnesian Limestone. Range of limestone grassland types. A particularly fine demonstration of the intimate interdependence of bio- and geodiversity is provided by the area west of Marsden Old Quarry [NZ3940 6430] where stripping of vegetation and topsoil was carried out in an attempt to recreate and rejuvenate areas of Magnesian Limestone grassland. Not only has this proved very successful in enhancing biodiversity, but it has also greatly enhanced geodiversity by exposing significant features in the Concretionary Limestone Formation. Renowned location for migrant birds in the autumn.

Other heritage links None

Additional comment None

Date of photography 2008

(Photo 9) Marsden Old Quarry.
