Lawrence, D. J. D. 1990. Limestone Landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. British Geological Survey open report OR/09/007.
Thrislington Quarry 431200 533200
Working Quarry
LaFarge Aggregates
The Marl Slate Formation at this site has yielded extensive amounts of typical fossil fauna and flora. It also probably possesses the largest amount of Marl Slate available for safe specimen collection at a single site.
Proposed action Continue to stockpile Marl Slate and allow collection by supervised parties.
Consider periodic open days.
Existing designations CGS
Existing on site interpretation None
Major geodiversity interest Exposures from Yellow Sands Formation, through the Marl Slate Formation and the Raisby Formation to the Ford Formation lagoonal facies.
Biodiversity interest Thrislington Plantation SSSI has magnesian limestone grassland
Other heritage links None
Additional comment Could make good link with Thrislington Plantation grassland
Date of photography 2004