The geology of Ardnamurchan, north-west Mull and Coll. Memoir for geological sheet 51, part 52 (Scotland)

By J. E. Richey and H. H. Thomas

British Geological Survey

(Title page) The geology of Ardnamurchan, North-west Mull and Coll.

(Front cover)The geology of Ardnamurchan, North-west Mull and Coll.

(Plate 1) Frontispiece. A. View of Ben Hiant, Ardnamurchan, from west. Main mass of this rocky hill is Ben Hiant Intrusion (see (Figure 19), p. 160). Maclean's Nose to right is agglomerate. Junction of these rocks extends from shore up well-marked hollow, seen on photograph above Mingary Castle (see also Plate 1, B). Stallachan Dubha is formed of outlying portion of Ben Hiant Intrusion. Scarp-features in middle distance are due to cone-sheets. Mingary Castle stands on a craignurite sill. Promontory beyond is Rudha a' Mhìle ((Figure 25), p. 177). Geological Survey Photograph, No. C2829. B. Marginal Scarp of Ben Want Intrusion, seen from south-east. The view is taken from west of Stallachan Dubha (see Plate 1, A and Explanation). The Ben Hiant Intrusion is closely jointed. Vent-agglomerate forming foreground contains two large masses of big-felspar basalt (p. 126), one in centre of view, the other to the left. Geological Survey Photograph, No. C2850 .


Title page and preliminaries



List of illustrations


Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2 Lewisian Complex of Coll

Chapter 3 Moine Schists of Ardnamurchan

Chapter 4 Trias and Jurassic, Ardnamurchan and North-west Mull

Chapter 5 Review of Tertiary igneous activity in Britain

Chapter 6 Tertiary igneous rocks, Ardnamurchan, History of Research

Chapter 7 Tertiary igneous rocks, Ardnamurchan and North-west Mull, Time Sequence

Chapter 8 Tertiary igneous rocks, Ardnamurchan, General Petrology

Chapter 9 Tertiary basal sediments, Ardnamurchan

Chapter 10 Tertiary basalt Lavas, North-west Mull and Ardnamurchan

Chapter 11 Tertiary volcanic vents, Centres 1 and 2, Ardnamurchan

Chapter 12 Tertiary major intrusions, Centre 1, Ardnamurchan

Chapter 13 Tertiary major intrusions, Centre 1, Ardnamurchan

Chapter 14 Tertiary cone-sheets, Centres 1, 2, and 3, Ardnamurchan

Chapter 15 Tertiary ring-dykes of Ardnamurchan, Introduction

Chapter 16 Tertiary ring-dykes of Centre 2, Ardnamurchan

Chapter 17 Tertiary ring-dykes of Centre 2, Ardnamurchan (continued)

Chapter 18 Tertiary ring-dykes of Centre z, Ardnamurchan

Chapter 19 Tertiary ring-dykes of Centre 3, Ardnamurchan

Chapter 20 Tertiary ring-dykes of Centre 3, Ardnamurchan

Chapter 21 Tertiary ring-dykes of Centre 3, Ardnamurchan

Chapter 22 Tertiary dykes, Ardnamurchan and North-west Mull

Chapter 23 Dykes of Coll

Chapter 24 Tertiary basic plugs and sheets of North-west Mull

Chapter 25 Close of Tertiary Igneous Period to Recent

Chapter 24 Economics

Appendix 1 Itineraries

Appendix 2 List of Geological Survey photographs, Ardnamurchan

Appendix 3 Bibliography

Figures and plates

Systematic Series rock specimen images

BGS maps of Ardnamurchan